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Top 5 Favorite Home Resolutions For The New Year

Posted by support on January 24, 2023

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Setting home resolutions for having a healthy and happy home at the beginning of the year is a great idea. You spend most of your time at home, especially these days. Because of this, how it feels and looks significantly impacts your general well-being.

Here are a few of our favorite (and simple!) home resolutions for this year:

1. Prepare Your Environment

A significant (and familiar) home difficulty is clutter. During busy seasons of the year (hello, holidays), things can accumulate quickly, making us feel more worried than usual. Organizing your home so you may feel at ease is a terrific resolution for this year.

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Starting small and working on one room at a time will help you overcome this intimidating undertaking. Look for easy solutions. If you don’t need something, donate it, recycle it, or toss it away. You probably have more useless goods in your possession than you know.

Once that’s done, you can start developing some procedures to keep things organized both now and in the future. Consider expanding your space with new drawers or shelves. Start identifying the ones you already possess so that you know their precise locations. Once everything has a home, maintaining organization will be much simpler, even during hectic periods.

2. Reduce Your Energy Consumption

Next, we advise you to use less energy at home because it will save you money and is good for the environment. As part of this, your entire family will need to be more conscientious about how much electricity and heat they use. You’ll also need to replace outdated equipment that doesn’t meet current energy efficiency requirements.

This can entail updating your heating and cooling systems and integrating smart home equipment. Your use of electricity will automatically decrease as a result of these actions. Upgraded windows, low-flow showerheads, and toilets, as well as the use of energy-efficient lightbulbs, are further adjustments you may make.

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Changes in behavior can also have a significant impact on how much energy you consume. Things like turning off lights when not in use, letting clothing air dry, and maintaining a comfortable temperature on your thermostat can make a difference. The environment – and your wallet – will thank you!

3. Make the room of your dreams

If you’re anything like us, you spend a lot of time daydreaming about your ideal living space. We all have them, whether used for entertaining, the ideal home office, a library, a workshop, or something else. Make 2022 the year you realize your dream of using a spare room in your house if you currently don’t.

This future fantasy space might be a basement, attic, or extra room! Keep it straightforward by purging it, so you know all you have to deal with. Then, you can devise a strategy for how you want to liven up the area. Also, feel free to attempt any do-it-yourself projects. When you apply your mind to anything, you could be astonished at how handy you are!

4. Improve Your To-Do List

Although cleaning isn’t attractive, it must be done. Create a quick and efficient cleaning regimen to eliminate the need for thought. After all, the unpleasant task itself is frequently less problematic than the minutes before it.

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Spend a few minutes at the end of the day doing the dishes, folding the laundry, and tidying up the house to make everything go more smoothly. Concentrate on one thing at a time when doing more demanding tasks. You will only need to spend your entire weekend cleaning if you take on at least one major daily task to keep your home in good shape.

The year 2022 has its slogan, “Teamwork makes the dream effort.” Collaborate with your family or roommates to do the duties if you live with them. Sharing tasks help everyone save time while keeping everyone accountable for creating a sanctuary in your shared area. (The adage “many hands make light work” applies.)

Keep everything you need for cleaning arranged where everyone can find it. (That organization is starting to factor in!) Your cleaning regimen will be simpler to continue throughout the year if you can make it more effective.

5. Maintain Your Yard

Make 2018 the year you fix up any outdoor areas that are now unusable. There are many creative ways to transform your patio into a lovely addition to your house, no matter how big or small. Create a fire pit or a garden, or even start composting. A lovely yard makes your house appear friendlier and more welcoming, and gardening may develop into a pleasant and interesting new activity. (Including urban gardening.)

These ideas are easy ways to add a bit of coziness and “you” to your home this year. Need some equipment? We can put you in touch with your neighbors, who may have what you need!

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